Product Information anda Detail Concrete Test Hammer Proceq PC Type N SilverSchmidt
The SilverSchmidt ST/PC is the first integrated concrete test hammer featuring true rebound value and unmatched repeatability.
Two factors contribute to the improved performance of this concrete test hammer over its predecessors:
- Velocity based detection of the rebound quotient
- The lightweight hybrid design of the impact plunger is made from aerospace alloy, matched to the elastic properties of the concrete and equipped with a hardness steel cap
Independent validation testing by BAM (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Germany) has shown the SilverSchmidt ST/PC to have less dispersion than the classical concrete test hammer over the entire range.
The unique design and high quality construction of the concrete test hammer SilverSchmidt ST/PC makes rebound hammer testing quicker and more accurate than ever before.
Features :
- The SilverSchmidt ST/PC concrete test hammer combines a high measurement accuracy with an unmatched repeatability.
- The rebound value requires no angular correction
- The concrete test hammer offers customer conversion curves for a wide range of compressive concrete strengths, including low fc (<10 N/mm2, 1’450 psi) and high strength concrete (up to 100 N/mm2, 14’500 psi)
- A large number of measurement points can be easily collected by the concrete test hammer and automatically evaluated according to statistical data
- The concrete test hammer offers automatic conversion to the required measurement unit (MPa, N/mm2, kg/cm2, psi)
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