Product Information and Details HT Motorola GP 338 IS / Handy Talky Motorola GP 338 IS
Unsurpassed Audio Quality
Motorola’s special voice compression and expansion technology called X-PAND enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in noisy environment.
Motorola’s special voice compression and expansion technology called X-PAND enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in noisy environment.
The United States Military Standard is referred as MIL-STD-810, the Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests. The scope of the standard addresses a broad range of environmental conditions: Low Pressure, High Temp, Low Temp, Temp Shock, Solar Radiation, Rain, Humidity, Salt Fog, Dust, Vibration and Shock. The MIL-STD-810 generates confidence in the environmental worthiness and overall durability of a system design. The above information is available at
- Motorola’s unique MDC signaling allows the transfer of data communications at the high-speed rate of 1200 bits per second.
- The Forward error correction technology enables radio to receive message, like PTT-ID display, radio status and send out remote killing signal or emergency call even though the voice signal is too weak to be heard.
- Expandable & easy to install in the field, by adding option boards like voice storage board & DTMF Decoder boards whenever your needs arise. The option board also allows up to 2 minutes of recording.
- The plug-in mandown option board feature will trigger an emergency procedure in situations where the radio is horizontal or still for longer than a pre-programmed time. It is critical for radio users who work alone or in isolated environments.
- The GP338 is certified by the US Factory Mutual standard intrinsically safe to operate in hazardous atmosphere.
- The built-in voice-activated feature (VOX) enables users to transmit their message in a hands-free environment, without pressing the push-to-talk button.
- Large display with 14 Character Alpha Numeric Dot Matrix allows immediate communication of vital information. The keypad & display illuminations provide the needed visibility to operate your radio in the dark.
- Received Signal Strength Indicator displays signal strength in the vicinity where you operate in.
- Name and tone tagging with capability to assign 8 different ringing tones and visual caller ID to 8 specific users/ talkgroups
- Easy-to-access, one-touch Emergency Siren button with piercing alarm to seek help in critical situation.
- Lightweight Lithium Ion battery option makes the radio one of the lightest in its range.
Compact & Reliable
- Motorola’s Accelerated Life Test
- MIL-STD 810C, D and E
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