Product Information and Details Total Station Sokkia CX-105 Tradition meets innovation with the CX total station.
Easy-to-use, high precision, rugged and reliable. Those are Sokkia traditions. Now with the CX, we have added innovation. The CX incorporates many new technologies while still maintaining Sokkia’s easy-to-use functionality.
New features include advanced RED-tech EDM for fast, pinpoint reflectorless measurement up to 500m. Its Long-Range Bluetooth® wireless communication provides data instantly to your Bluetooth-equipped controller, up to 500m away. Integrated TSshield provides unmatched remote ability to track, secure, and support your instrument. Its IP66 dustproof/waterproof rating, heavy-duty metal chassis and handle, and work-week battery life make the CX the clear leader in conventional total stations.
Key CX features include:
- Advanced Angle Measurement System
- RED-Tech advanced reflectorless measurement
- Long-Range Bluetooth® wireless communication
- TSshield security, tracking, and remote diagnostic support
- Longest battery life – 36 hours
- Available in 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 second models
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara Cash On
Delivery / Transfer Bank.
* C.O.D. ( Cash On Delivery / Bayar ditempat)
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Transfer Bank ( Luar Jakarta )
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Office :
Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo ( H.Mencong ) , Mahkota Simprug Blok B14 No. 6 Tangerang selatan, 15153
Untuk info dan harga terbaik, silahkan hubungi :
Mr.Rian Hadianto
HP : 0811.2348.415 / 0813.9839.0838 / 0859.2001.5115
Fax : 021-29040157
BB PIN: 5EBFE32A, 51836708
WA : 0811.2348.415 / 0813.9839.0838 / 0859.2001.5115
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