Product Information and Details Total Station Topcon ES 55 Reflectorless
The Total Station Topcon ES 55 Reflectorless with 5 arc second accuracy and dual axis compensation provides an entry-level surveying solution. Fast and highly accurate, it measures angles and distances up to 1,148 away in reflectorless mode and 13,120 feet when using a single prism. It also has a built-in coaxial EDM beam and a laser pointer.
Featuring a single graphic display and 25 alphanumeric keys, the Topcon ES-55 offers quick and easy controls and setup. This total station is capable of storing 5,000 points in its internal memory and connects with Topcon data collectors, such as the FC-5000, FC-236, FC-2600, Tesla and more for seamless data transfer.
Features for the Topcon ES 55, 5 Second Reflectorless Total Station
- 5-second accuracy
- Range of 1,148 feet
- 5,000-point internal memory
- Dual axis compensation
- Laser pointer and optical plummet
- Fast and powerful EDM
- Quick and easy trigger key
- Horizontal and vertical locking tangents
- On-board survey software
- RS232 serial port
- Dual graphic LCD
- 25-key keyboard, with 4-way directional backlit arrow key
- 15-hour battery life
- Water resistant and dustproof to IP-66
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